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Survivor Panama: No More Exile

Sunset in Pearl Islands
Originally uploaded by PanamaJack.
Does anyone watch Survivor anymore?

I've always felt an affinity for the show since chasing a classified ad seeking TV crew to a remote town in Queensland, Australia, and finding out better timing may have landed me a gig with the popular CBS show.

We all loved in when it began, and it's continued to impact the type of programming we catch on the tube everyday.

However, I wasn't sure when I started watching this season that I'd get into this 12th season. Somehow I did get sucked in. Exec Producer Mark Burnett brought something new to the game, stranding contestants to Exile Island, effectively changing the dynamics of the game.

Yet, I think the reason I got drawn back into the show had most to do with the casting. I liked almost all the players. This can't be underestimated. I stopped watching last season when in the final few there was no one I wished to win, no one I cheered for.

In the final four of Survivor Panama: Exile Island were Cirie, Danielle, Terry and Aras, all extremely likable and capable characters. It was Aras, my pick for first place, who took home the million dollar prize.

Jeff Probst, our dimply host, makes the show worth watching too, but I have to ask, don't you think he looked like Spock from Star Trek in the final episode?

Of course, it's the stunning scenery that brings the show alive as well, and I don't think we'll be disappointed when CBS takes it to the scene of the historical "Mutiny on the Bounty", Cook Islands, for unlucky season number 13.


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