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Space Shuttle Back in Action

launch + 5 secs
Originally uploaded by 416style.
I was extremely lucky 3 years ago to find myself in Titusville, Florida on the eve of the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour. On our way from Miami to Toronto we needed a spot to pull over and camp for the night since it was already 1:30am. We rolled up to a quiet campground and found a great little spot on plush crab grass to set up for the night.

In the morning we realized we were right across the river from the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center, and in the spot beside the river where the alligator's like to have their breakfast! Later, at a greasy spoon, we met a wonderful man who worked for NASA. He invited us to his condo that night, in Titusville across from the launch pad and the Indian River. I got a few decent shots on my cheap throwaway camera (see better one below). This one was taken from 5 km away. It was the closest anyone besides relatives of the astronauts could get to the launch pad. It was phenomenal experience. The shuttle blast lit up the sky and the sound wave rumbled right through us on a 30 second delay.

I've been watching the shuttle lift off since I was just a kid and I'm thrilled the space program is back in action, probably because I've always been inspired by astronauts like Roberta Bondar, John Glenn and Jim Lovell. Now that the Canada Arm has become a successful part of the space program too I feel all the more proud each time we blast into space.


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