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Spook in the City - Colborne Lodge

Travel with John and Sookie to all the spooky places in the city like historic High Park where we reveal the ghastly hauntings of Colborne Lodge.

Spook in the City - Grenadier Pond

It's said that a group of soldiers called the Grenadiers fell through the ice of High Park's Grenadier Pond during battle in the 1800's. Many did not make it out alive.

Spook in the City - Royal York Ballroom

The Spook in the City series continues with the haunting tale of what’s been referred to as the Crystal Ballroom, the once vibrant then vacant top floor of the Royal York Hotel in Toronto.

Spook in the City - Royal York Hallway

In this series John and Sookie take viewers to the scene of a high-profile haunting in Toronto. Follow us through the empty halls for a chilling tale.

Spook in the City - Royal York stairwell

Delve into the scene of a high-profile haunting in Toronto with John and Sookie. Watch and you'll learn the dangers awaiting in the Royal York stairwell.