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Soundcloud is my new best friend

The name had drifted through my crowd for awhile, but I'd never really taken the time to find out how cool Soundcloud really is. After working from home for a few weeks I discovered hanging out with Soundcloud is way cooler than putting together silly little playlists from tracks I'd bought off iTunes. When I really needed a pal Soundcloud was there for me, and still is, whether it's while I'm sitting at my computer feeling uninspired or need a boost as I cruise through VanCity...I can always get Soundcloud on the phone.

It's like this whole new scene opened up for me, and all of a sudden I realized I'm not alone, that people in this scene like the same kinda beats as me.

I've never been a top 40 girl, never will. In grade 6, I was listening to RunDMC and the Beastie Boys. By grade 9, the hip hop got heavier, hanging with TooShort, IceT and Brand Nubian. Me and my buddy would sit at the Ravina bleachers belting out lyrics that no 14-year-old should know. It was at the same time I also found house, when another friend would wanna wile away the hours on the dancefloor of all-ages club Focus hidden behind Toronto city hall.

My love for house has stayed true but has also gotten deeper and more complex. Seems I'm not the only one. Here are my a few favs for the week, and if you want a deeper dose of my reality, check out more tracks I heart

JUNIOR BOYS - FM (Tensnake Remix) by Tensnake

Moby - I Love To Move In Here (Holy Ghost! Remix) by future classic

I had absolutely no idea who this guy was either, but find myself missing him like family when I'm away too long:

29 min mix 2011 - GUIDO by guido productions